
Why Annual Corporate Flu Vaccinations Should Be Booked For Local Organisations

Taking advantage of annual corporate flu vaccinations is easier than many local organisations would normally believe.

Rather than being an arduous and intrusive process, it is a simple practice that allows the company to operate as business as usual.

Let us outline why these programs are so valuable, even if there is a degree of doubt or skepticism about the merits of the project.


Lowering Absenteeism Rates

woman experiencing a headache

Clinical trials that have studied the effects of corporate flu vaccinations indicate that participants are 70% less likely to experience a strain of flu than their counterparts who don’t get involved in the program. Once all members are onboard, this will work to lower the absenteeism rate for the organisation. Particularly at the lower community level where businesses only have a handful of professionals available to begin with, the absence of one worker for one day can set an enterprise back weeks. This is an exercise that helps clients play the odds and put them in their favour, instead of hoping that an infection does not occur.


Herd Community Approach Boosts Everyone’s Chances

Arguably the greatest advantage to booking in for corporate flu vaccinations is to take the issue from the herd community standpoint. If everyone has been given the same vaccination at the same time, this will help to eliminate the possibility of the disease taking hold inside the vicinity of the organisation. This is not to say that individuals won’t be under threat when they leave work to go home or head out around town, but during those 8 or so hours they are available for their role, they will be around others who have been immunised by the same process.


vaccineSaving on Costs & Logistical Headaches

Paying for sick leave is part and parcel of what employees are entitled to under fulltime contract conditions. Yet it will be the business who ultimately has to deal with these details and manage short-term fill ins and contingency plans. Annual corporate flu vaccinations ensures that this money can be kept as a contingency rather than having to be utilised at a time of year where flu rates are predictably increased. Trying to manage this process from an HR perspective and attempting to plan around absentee workers is a struggle than all operators would rather do without, all the while helping their bottom line.


Investment in Employee Health

Employees are not stupid. They understand when an employer is looking out for their own interests and by booking in annual corporate flu vaccinations, they ensure that participants don’t have to invest their own money and energy into finding a vaccine on their own time. It helps the brand image to be proactive about employee health and well-being, even if the motive is self-evident.


Becomes Common Business Practice

Rather than being a major disruptive influence, engaging with annual corporate flu vaccinations will become common business practice for the enterprise. At the turn of autumn where the disease will spread, local companies will be able to repeat the same process with the same medical provider. If there are any issues or concerns, the same operators can be engaged and they will know the personal history with each participant. That first booking can feel like a significant operation, but each and every year it will become easier for all parties. This way the employees and employers can see the results for themselves.


Local organisations all across Australia are able to take advantage of annual corporate flu vaccinations. By identifying a nearby provider who has been authenticated, they will be able to talk to them directly and find a time and circumstance that suits the program.


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